Integrated Technology

Technology should enhance the customer journey, providing an unparalleled personal experience and optimising the best possible event outcomes. We utilise the latest tools and technologies to ensure that every touchpoint strengthens the bond between our clients and their audience. The integrated nature of our applications also allows us to monitor activity constantly and regulate operations as necessary. Please feel free to scroll through the resources we utilise to guarantee the professional performance of our services.

Abstract Management System

FAMS (Full Abstract Management System) is a web-based abstract management platform designed to simplify abstract management. With help from one of our partners, we have access to this powerful web tool, which allows us to handle this diverse and complex process easily. Each platform is user-friendly and adaptable, offering state-of-the-art technology, such as inserting special characters and pictures for the abstract reviewers, personalised login for the reviewers, and an itinerary planning tool for your participants.

Registration & Accommodation Tool

REACT (Registration and Accommodation Tool) is a web-based registration platform enclosing the entire delegate management process. Based on the specifications of your society, K.I.T. Group creates an online registration form which enables the various types of delegates to register with the corresponding registration fees according to the different deadlines.

Travel Management Platform

REACT Travel is a web-based flight and car booking platform integrated into our registration and accommodation tool. The entire speaker and delegate management process is in one place to offer your delegates and speakers an easy and comfortable all-in-one solution and booking option for registrations, abstracts, flights, cars, and hotel reservations.

Mobile App

With our conference app, REACT users have the ideal companion for a day at the conference. Participants have all conference information at their fingertips. To assist organisations as they gather information for their conference app, our dedicated team works behind the scenes performing app management, initial data integration, graphic design, and uploading and maintenance of content.

Lead Retrieval System

Our Lead Retrieval System is a fast and easy way for exhibitors to record a participant’s contact information by scanning the name badge.
In the registration process, the participants decide which information to make available. That data is provided to the exhibitors through a secure online portal.

Exhibition and Sponsorship Ordering System

ESOS® is our web-based ordering tool for exhibitors and sponsors, which aids in simplifying industry management. It unites exhibitors, sponsors, satellite holders, vendors, and conference organisers with one easy-to-use, transparent platform. Furniture, catering, and technical needs are all arranged using ESOS®. All suppliers and services are centralised, allowing the stakeholders to see the current order status.

3D Exhibition Viewer

The 3D Exhibition Viewer is a dynamic, interactive technical platform providing a new user-orientated approach to exhibition planning and design. Raise your sponsors’ profiles and enhance your delegates’ experience with our 3D Exhibition Viewer.

Website Management Platform

WAVE is our modular web platform for creative conference and association websites. It is a cutting-edge web experience for users and editors. WAVE is flexible and individually designed to suit all needs, from a simple web presence to an association website with member login, interactive content, and a shopping cart.

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